James Bigley Ranches

Comanche Chief Iron Jacket

Comanche Chief Iron Jacket   Iron Jacket, also known as Puhihwikwasu’u, was a Comanche chief and medicine man who lived in the late 18th and

The Largest Contiguous Ranches in the US

Discovering Vermejo and the Waggoner Ranch, the largest contiguous ranches in the US   Are you a nature lover looking for a unique and unforgettable

Elk in Texas

Texas Elk Range – Live interactive mapping, free range, updated Jan 1 2024 Map Legend: Black Triangle = Historical Elk Physical Evidence, White triangle = 

Cattle Ranching

CATTLE RANCHING   Maybe since the advent of the television series “Yellowstone,” there is a lot of interest in cattle ranching. With its abundant grasslands

How Does A Recession Effect Land Prices?

2023 Land Prices – What will happen?   In Texas, land is an ever-present commodity. Land prices are always changing and many factors contribute to

The Largest Ranches in Texas

Recently, James Bigley talked about the biggest ranches in the world. There’s been so much talk about the Yellowstone ranch and a spinoff, the 6666

XIT, the Real Largest Ranch

Taylor Sheridan is one busy guy, promoting the history of settling the Yellowstone Ranch in “1883” and a modern version of trying to preserve the

Exotics In Texas

What is an Exotic? According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, “The term exotics in Texas refers to medium to large-sized nonindigenous or non-native

Luckenbach Texas

Nestled deep within the very heart of Hill Country, Texas, is the tiny town of Luckenbach (Loo-kin- bahk). There are just 13 residents living inside the town’s

So You Want to be a Rancher

So you want to be a rancher. Why? Did you grow up on a farm? You loved the smell of the disced land and the

Understanding Texas Water Rights Law

In Texas, the water rights are dependent on whether the water is surface or ground water. In general, the landowner owns the groundwater in Texas.

How Can I Access My Own Landlocked Property

“Landlocked” properties are generally properties that do not have any direct access to public roads from the property itself. An easement is an interest in

Axis Deer in Texas

Unless you are from Texas or a hunter, I will bet you have never heard of Axis Deer. These animals are originally from India and

How To Buy Land In Texas

The act of buying land in Texas Hill country is an exciting process, however, for someone who is purchasing their first land, it can be

Medina Lake

Called “The Cowboy Capital of the World” by the Texas Legislature, Bandera County is rich with the spirit of the frontier, but not rich with